Academics @ VHS

AP Exams


161 AP Exams Given


23 AP Exams Given

Given on Campus
SAT Logo
Given on Campus
GA Dual Enrollment

Advanced Placement

Taking AP classes and exams can help students get ahead in high school and college. Students will:

  • Build skills and confidence:

  • Stand out to colleges.

  • Succeed in college.

Universities around the world recognize AP when making admission decisions, course requisites, and awarding university credit. In fact, half of students entering four-year colleges are now starting school with some credit from AP courses.


AP Courses offered at Vidalia High School

AP Biology

AP Calculus AB

AP Chemistry

AP Environmental Science

AP Language

AP Literature

AP Macroeconomics

AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based

AP Precalculus

AP United States Government and Politics

AP United States History

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment ​is designed to prepare students for college and career opportunities leading students to postsecondary institutions for an industry-recognized certification or lic​ensure, an associate and/or higher college ​​​degree, and successful employment. Georgia has created a singular program known as Dual Enrollment for students in grades 10-12 who qualify to participate. Students may enroll on a part-time or full-time basis as a Dual Enrollment student and take college courses at their high school or on a postsecondary campus. Students will receive high school and college credit simultaneously when attending and passing approved college classes.