Vidalia City Schools
Vidalia High School

Vidalia City Schools:
Setting the pace in equipping our students to be productive citizens.
Vidalia High School:
VHS will become a high-functioning Professional Learning Community in order to set the pace in equipping our students to be productive citizens.

Invest in relationships, Ignite learning, Inspire excellence, Impact community

Vidalia City School's Commitments:
Investing in diverse and inclusive relationships to create a positive and safe learning environment for all.
Igniting purposeful, innovative, and reflective practices through a culture of collaboration and professional learning.
Inspiring excellence by demonstrating critical thinking abilities, upholding ethical standards, and pursuing academic and extracurricular interests
Impacting our community through partnerships with all stakeholders and shared accountability for student success
Vidalia High School's Commitments:
Working in collaborative teams with collective responsibility for student learning.
Ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum for ALL students.
Using common assessments to monitor student learning.
Using common assessment data to strengthen teaching and learning.
Providing systematic interventions and extensions.

I. Academic Achievement and Student Success
To increase students’ readiness for post-secondary options
To increase mastery of content in all areas
To improve the use of effective instructional strategies in all content areas
To improve data-driven instructional practices
II. Quality Staff Learning & Growth
To recruit highly qualified staff
To improve and sustain staff knowledge
To retain highly qualified staff
III. Communication & Stakeholder Engagement
To increase partnerships with community agencies and organizations
To increase quality family engagement
To increase effective internal and external communication
IV. Organizational & Operational Effectiveness
To improve facility safety and security
To maximize financial efficiency and effectiveness
To develop and improve cohesive operational processes and practices
V. Positive Culture & Climate
To develop and sustain positive relationships
To improve practices promoting a positive learning culture
To improve mental health, wellness, and social-emotional supports for staff and students